Monday, February 28, 2011

poverty poster!! !!!


                                              OPPRESSION by POVERTY
     My groups focus is poverty.Poverty is defined as the state of condition of having little or no money, goods or means of support ; conditions of being poor; indigence!
              There are many oppressions in our lives that make us feel more miserable when someone is living into poverty. Is harmful to the people who live in poverty because there is lack of money in the life of this people, one example is when people make fun of the ones who live in poverty just because they don’t have money! And instead of giving they’re respect they discourage them and make them feel bad instead of being compassionate! Many internalizing ideas or words that I have heard over my topic poverty is that many “Latinos don’t have enough money and are muertos de ambres!” But this is not true because the majority of us the Latinos  are working very hard over come all the barriers that we confront each day to have a better future. This type of words can be a offence because it could harm many peoples feelings.
              Many people who are oppressed by this topic which is poverty. Are people like homeless, because many people discriminate against them, just by the way they look. This people  live in poverty because they don’t have money they don’t have a shelter where to live. And many people don’t give them jobs for their physical appearance. Because many people have internalized the idea of when giving them money they can spend it on drugs or alcohol. Contributing this idea about poverty is very harmful to many people specially the ones who actually believe it!
                The system of poverty is oppressive many people don’t is oppressive because many people don’t think of how hard the life of a person that is living into poverty is really like. Many people living into poverty would act differently because of the way that people have had internalized things about them that were true!!So this people might not want to tell the people around them or they might stop acting the way that they usually act and they might start acting differently. Many people who live in poverty don’t have the opportunity to go to college, or have an education. This is because they don’t have the money to afford for it. They don’t have the money for school supplies and also there are some school were you as a student have to buy  your own lunch.So instead of getting an education people have to work very hard to over come all the oppressive moments in their lives!!
                 Based on my topic about poverty, I have many connections related to poverty for example this day that I helped out some homeless people that where asking for money for some food so we bought them food!! Some personal experiences that I have based with poverty is that when my mother was very young, my grandfather died and what happened was that my mother couldn't get the education that she would of had wanted because she didn't have the money back then to afford for a school aand so she never attend to one! This relates to poverty because it puts many barriers into people lives and that they can’t achieve things in their future!


                   LIBERATING FROM POVERTY

               My groups focus area is about poverty. Poverty is defined as when people don’t have enough money don’t have a shelter or don’t have food.Many people who live in poverty look for an exit to liberate themselves from it however it is not very to find the correct way for an exit but is better when you try because in that way you can achieve.
                 Many people in this whole world are being oppressed by poverty specially in this moment CA is having difficulties with the economy , and specially that CA is going through crisis of water. Which makes a barrier in our life because many people have lost their jobs, and that the water price could go up. That will make it hard and more oppressive for people living in poverty because they don’t  have enough money.
               However many people that live into poverty have tried to liberate themselves from poverty. A way to liberate themselves from poverty is to start working. This could be a possible solution to liberate your self from poverty because in that way your trying to work to get payed for  a better future and start getting a better life than the anterior. If someone who lives in poverty starts working is a very good news because they are trying to get themselves out of something that is making them not achieve their goal.
                   One personal experience that I have with this type of oppression that is poverty is when Listened to the story of my mother.It relates to the story poverty because my mother did not get the education that she wanted for the lack of money and for not knowing how to speak Spanish nor English !! the language that she knew was Mom a native language from Guatemala. My grandfather past away so my mother had to take care the rest of her sisters and brothers and also she had to work out under the sun raise. So she didn't assist to a school. One step that my mother took to liberate herself from poverty or this type of oppression was persevering hard to start working and most importantly coming to the US. She came here to give me and my sisters the education that she never received. One thing I appreciate most is that my mother has being working very hard to maintain me and my family. I want to go to college because is a very important opportunity that a lot of people don’t get.Also because getting a degree is the best ticket out of a long run poverty life.
                  Ten things that make me happy are... well first of all I thank God that I’m alive .I’m thanked for having a family.For having the family that makes me happy every day.The family that is always there for me in good and bad moments that it doesn’t matter what happens they are there supporting me and everything. Something that makes me bring joy to my life when I think of it are my favorite foods! It brings joy into my life having a best -friend Mariel or in other ways (Blooms) And it brings me joy of becoming a doctor one day because is my dream job!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011




              My inspiration to go to college started when my mother told me her complicated childhood story. That’s when I realized how important is to have an education, and learn how to value it ,and not just waste it!
            It all started when my mother was about five years old, she told me that my grandfather past away. My grandmother did not have enough money, and she had to take care of the rest of her children including my mother. My mother had many barriers in her life that caused her struggle, and not achieve her dreams. She didn’t  attend to school because instead she had to work, and help my grandmother out. She had to work out in the field under the hot sun rays. She never learned how to read a simple word nor write. Sometimes she wanted something, but she couldn't get it because of not knowing how to speak Spanish. She only knew how to speak Mom the native language of Guatemala. There would be so many days that my mother did not have a plate of food over her table and a glass of water, because they payed her a low amount of money. Sometimes the money went to my grandmother hands to pay for medicine. There would be so many times that my mother shed tears over her pillow, about her difficult life ,and thinking about how to make her future better. My mother grew with out having an education because there wasn’t any money to afford a school. There would be many times that my mother didn’t have a pair of shoes. When I heard that, I thought very long, I told myself that I would keep on going in school getting the education that my mother never received, and that I would keep on going ,and overcome all the barriers in my way not letting anything come between me and my education.
              This is why I’m here this is why I’m trying my best  in school getting an education for the change for my future. There are many opportunities that have been available for me, but is not very easy to obtain them either. I am receiving the education that was never given to my mother. The education that many other kids aspire to have because in this world not all people are the same. There can be people living in poverty who can’t receive an education like my mother never did or many other people who have dropped out because of many different reasons. I have many family members that have gone to elementary school, but not all have finished high school and college. Only one of my friends has gone to college who I look up to as a leader for the rest of us the students who want to go to college to know that if you dream big you can achieve your goals even if you think that is very hard and challenging to get there but if you try very hard, anything is possible for the one who tries hard. That it doesn’t matter where you come from or what is your background but most importantly what you can show the whole word that you can do. My friend came to the United States as an immigrant to seek for a better life. He’s from Guatemala, he came here alone. He stayed at his uncles house ,and when he was a teenage he went to high school and now he’s going to college.  There were many difficulties that he confronted in his life, but so far he hasn’t letting himself down he’s still on going and hasn’t doesn’t give up! I want to be like him to go to college. Now two of my sisters are in high school one is in 10th grade and the other is going to graduate in high school this year. If she doesn’t go to college and my other sister I will be the first person from my entire family to go and graduate from college.
               Going to college means a lot to me. Taking my own path, and start from the beginning till the end. Going to college is reaching the star that I’ve always looked up to in the dark nights. This is why I want to college, to demonstrate my family that they can trust on me, I want them to feel proud of me. I want to be a leader for my community to show other people that t look up to me that I can go far in life if I decide to. It doesn’t matter where I come from but what I can give the world. That I believe in my self no matter what. That I can achieve the American dream no matter how I look but most important is who I am , and the choices that I’m making today that will shape my future tomorrow. Going to college for all is a very important opportunity because in that way you can get to learn about things in college, and know what is really like to go to college.It allows me to know more about how my future will be like when I’ll go to college. Is not going to be easy at all ,but I really want to go to college because if you go to college and you get a college degree is the best ticket out of a long-run poverty life. My dream is to go to college one day ,and I know I will .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

****ALL AM ABOUT ME:)****

No one looks 
The way I do. 
I have noticed 
That it's true. 
No one walks the way I walk. 
No one talks the way I talk. 
NO one plays the way I play. 
No one says the things I say. 
I am special. 
I am me. 
There's no one else
I'd rather be! 


What is the point of living ?
If we all going to die.
Whats the point of being happy?
If at the end we're going to cry.
But this is something no one sees,
this is something no one knows 
So even though the mask 
reveals on side of me
I use it as a shield 
to look at what others can never see
I walk in to the crowd with my head
heald high slighlty proud 
But soon halt confident walk and balk
and my confidence seems like a pack of lies
I can't help wondering what to do?
simply because I'm away from you
I can heal I change a fight and never give up
I believe I can, I know I can, 
Is never to make a change
Is never to late to fix my mistake,
I try to hide the injury behind my mask,
because I'm the unknown spirit 
standing in the middle of no where
I'm between the crowd, looking for a place to sit
because the crowd is made of eyes
they're calculating,
staring deep
And I don't know if they like what they see!!
But I know that they don't care 
whether I'm fine, if I'm ok, if I have love in my life
because I know that deep in their hearts 
they only care about themselves
I have a smile on my face
which in my heart I don't even know the meaning of,
I have a mask and so you 
If you take it of I'll do it too!!!!!


I am Lucinda lost in a world of cofussion
lost in a way to no where, looking for an exit for a better future
hearing for an answer and to be answered.
I keep myself brave, to depend on my self from the unknown
I must keep my head up to answer , I keep myself brave.
I am the unknown spirit that has waited to be discovered ,
I am the inspiration of today, 
finding a way to  be expressed.
I am Oakland, I know all kinds of people 
I can hear every different sound, all round me is 
happiness, loneliness, sadness,
hated by few loved by many, but I am still here, 
and I'm always going to be here, 
I am who I am ;I am AMERICA!!!
M(marvelous) Y(yahoo) A(awesome) M(magnificent) E(equallity)
R(right) I(ideal) C(colorful) A(absolute)=my america

**I Remember You**

      I miss you I want you back,
like in the old days,
you protected me each time I was in danger or scared
I feel lonely without you
you was there with me
in good and bad moments
you was the one who I trusted
who I confesed my deepest secrets too,
because I knew that you cred about me

I miss you I wonder if your around here
without me been able to see you 
or unable to sent your perfumatic smell
after taking a shower

I remember when my brother you for a christmas gift
when the gingle bells were playing on the radio
I remember when you opened your eyes 
and saw the sunshine for the fist time,
I rember everything about you,
your black favorite collarand the amazing way how you wore it

I miss the way how you scared people for fun
and made them scream
I remember when you swimmed for the first time
I remember when you used to chase me around
Or me chasing you when you excaped
I remember you
I feel lonely without you and 
I miss you everyt time I think of you
I will never forget you,
Lucky for ever in my heart!!!!!

***I AM***

I am a simple and  special little girl,
I wonder how did God created this world for you and me,
I hear girls and boys having fun with each other,
keeping the time only for themselves!
I see the paradise that is high above in the sky recerved only for me,
I want to be in a magical world where everything
has joy, peace, without any violence where everyone deserves 
to be respected equally and a happy ending!

I am just a simple and special little girl,
I petend to be my self!!
I feel your sadness and your happiness in the reflection of your eyes,
I touch your soul that is asking me for another chance,
I worry that you never find the love that is necessary for your heart,
I cry because many peple need me to consol them, but I can't help them,
I cry because when someone special dies, part of me dies with them too,

I am just a simple and special little girl,
I understand that I'm not the best person on Earth,
I say I care about you because I really do!!
I dream that one day, you accept me the way I am,
I try hard to keep percevering for my future, and making it 
through the cloudy days and dark nights!!
I hope that everyone would be happy and brave enough to confront their fears,

I am just a simple and special little girl,
that understands how ypu feel!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

!!!!Freedom Speech!!!

White Women Speech
Allow me to introduce my self.  I’m a white women that wants to have the same rights has everybody.  My name is Julissa.I just wanted to tell you that we need your support so men and women could have the same rights.  My life has not been easy. To begin with, since I am a woman, I have no rights. I am not allowed to vote, cannot go to college, and cannot do half the things white men can do. My contributions to to this new country is that I actually disguised myself as a man just to be able to fight in the war. Also, me and other women had camps where we brought food, and other items that soldiers might need.  Without me, the soldiers wouldn’t have been able to survive and so that’s why i think I should have the same rights.
In my opinion, the 3/5ths compromise is a bad thing because everyone should be treated as a whole person.  Also because it’s not fair that the citizens give their whole self and are only counted for half of themselves because they don’t give half of themselves when they do their work, so why don’t they tell them to only give half of themselves in their work if they are only going to treat them like that.
Patty:  Its my belief that woman should be allowed to vote because we need to state our opinions and classify that we have the right to vote, speak in court, to be a member in a jury. If we had the right to vote i would make a new law that says that we have the right to not be bossed around men. I think this because every single of us, white womens have the right to be heard. i think that anyone has the right to vote but i think that because we have to give our thoughts and opinions or ideas.
Lucinda:  So in conclusion now you understand why a women life was very difficult only because they were born with the gender of being women. Men have taken possession over women ,and have gained rights over them. Only because the laws say so. I don’t agree with this.  Women have worked very hard to obtain what they now have. To restate the main point women should have the same rights as men. The changes that should be made in the constitution should to be to honor women rights because with out women things would be very different. Man are just taking advantages over women because  what women have earn from working man could own it just like that.   just because they have the law by their side.

Monday, February 21, 2011


What is freedom?
 If I'm a women with no rights,
all I want is freedom,
to forget everything in my past,
to take all the tears and pain,
to love you in my own way.
All I want is freedom,
to hear I love you too,
they say I have freedom,
I can do what I want,
they say I have freedom,
to speak how I feel.
But how is it freedom?
To be judged for my deeds,
and persecuted for speaking,
revealing my thoughts,
to the ones whom you call friends.
I live my mind,
I hide my brain,
Is this freedom?
It cannot be freedom!
to hide from the world?
Freedom is to love again,
freedom is to try to love again,
without thinking about my past,
freedom is to born equally,
no matter what gender you are,
freedom is to be happy,
and not just hide from the world,
or hide what you really feel,
but to reveal your thoughts,
this is what freedom really mean!!!!